
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

25 (Non-Tech) Activites To Do This Summer

I'm on a summer roll, guys! S U M M E R, S U M M E R, S U M M E R! (and I absolutely love it)

Today, my summer themed post is 25 non tech activities to do this summer. Sometimes, during the summer with no school to keep us busy and all the extra free time, we can get...well, bored? I really hate to say it. Being bored isn't a great thing. But you know what? You can beat the boredom very easily. All you have to do is find something to keep you busy! (captain obvious here ;p)

Of course you don't want to just waste your time trying to "entertain" yourself. Try to find productive things to do, and of course be sure to still have fun!

This is pretty self explanatory. =) Here are 25 summer activity ideas.
  1. Make a summer bucket list =)
  2. Make popsicles
  3. Go camping
  4. Memorize scripture
  5. Go swimming
  6. Paint your nails
  7. Try a new sport
  8. Do a photo-shoot with a friend
  9. Make s'mores
  10. Start running =)
  11. Learn a new hairstyle
  12. Redecorate your room
  13. Make a scrapbook
  14. Snail mail friends
  15. Have a bonfire
  16. Learn a card trick
  17. Bake something
  18. Learn an instrument
  19. Make ice cream
  20. Tie dye something
  21. Start an Etsy shop
  22. Go to a library
  23. Bike ride
  24. Make friendship bracelets 
There are a TON more that aren't listed here. Would you like me to make a second list?
Happy summer!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


H E Y  T H E R E! ♥
I ' M  I N  A  S U M M E R  M O O D.
A N D  W H E N  I ' M  I N  A  S U M M E R  M O O D  T H A T  M E A N S  T H I S  F O N T.
H O P E  Y O U  D O N ' T  M I N D. ♥

S U M M E R  B U C K E T  L I S T // 2 0 1 7

YAY!! SUMMER is HERE!! I can't tell you guys how excited I am. Summer is by far my favorite season and it seems like it took extra long to get here this year. ;) But today it's finally 90 degrees and sunny here in Texas and I couldn't be happier. :)

To kick off this wonderful season I decided to post my summer 2017 bucket list. I always have so much fun creating bucket list that I tend to make one every season. Sometimes I'll challenge friends to see who can complete the list first and it's always a blast!

How I'm gonna take on this bucket list
Every time I do something on this list I have to take a picture related to the activity and write a caption for that picture. At the end of the summer I'll compile all the pictures I've taken + the captions and hopefully create a blog post out of them!

Here's the list -
  • Have a legit picnic
  • Sleep outside/camp
  • Rope swing into water
  • Tie dye something
  • Photo-shoot
  • Make popsicles 
  • Have a water fight
  • Stargaze
  • Read 10+ books
  • Have a bonfire
  • Go to a library
  • Make root-beer floats
  • Play four-square
  • Make homemade ice cream
  • Go kayaking
  • Play in the sprinklers
  • 100 days of summer photography challenge
  • Go fishing
  • Make + blow bubbles
  • Make lemonade
  • Make handmade cards + snail mail them to friends
  • Learn a new hairstyle
  • Grow something
  • Make a summer playlist
  • Build a blanket fort 
This was a little edit I made for my bucket list, I LOVE the ice cream cone background! So summer-y!

I've got a ton of questions for ya...
Are you out of school yet?
Whats on your summer bucket list?
What kind of summer posts would you like to see me do?
I'd love to hear!

I'm in my very last week of school, only four days left!! 🎊

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

6 Ways To Start Your Morning Off The Right Way

Let's be real. Mornings are hard.

I wish I could say that every morning I jump out of bed ready for a beautiful day, but the reality is that most people have to work hard to enjoy the getting up part of mornings and I'm in that majority.

Mornings are a great time to get things done and be productive. These are a few tips I've learned to help get me going in the morning. Hopefully these will help you too in starting your day off right.

Make Your Bed

Open The Blinds

Make A Yummy/Healthy breakfast

Get Outside

Plan Your Day

Read Your Bible + Pray

Make your bed <> I find making my bed in the morning helps me in two ways. 1) When I first jump roll out of bed making my bed gets me moving and wakes me up a little. 2) Once the bed is make it's way less temping to get bed in it and fell asleep.

Open the blinds or windows <> Getting natural light into the room while getting ready is a great way to boost your mood and wake you up. If the weathers nice out, open a window to let the fresh air flow through and hear the birds chirping.

Make a yummy/healthy breakfast <> This is something to look forward to and something to give you energy and keep you going all morning. Take the time to make pancakes or enjoy fresh fruit rather than skipping breakfast.

Get outside <> This could be simply eating your breakfast on your back porch, going on a walk, stretching outside, or doing a full blown workout. Whatever you do, being outside in the fresh air and sunlight will definitely boost your mood and energy.

Plan your day <> Take a few minutes to write out your to do list for the day, check your planner for appointments, and maybe write a bit in your journal. Get it all out on paper to make your mind less cluttered throughout the day.

Read your bible + pray <> There’s no better way to start the day than with the Word of God. Set aside a few minutes each morning to read the Bible and pray. Trust me, you’ll set yourself up for a better day ahead when you take the time.

What do you do in the mornings to start your day off right?
Should I post a 'Start Your Morning Off The Right Way 2' with my fav breakfast recipes?


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