

Hey there! I'm Katie Grace (Also known as Kitkat).


I'm just a southern girl, saved by grace, who happens to love blogging. Here are a few of my favorite things so you can get to know me better.

My family {four brothers, four sisters, two nieces, and a nephew} - Texas - Summer - volleyball - photography - DIY - country music (or just music in general) - baseball caps - photography - sweet tea - piano - washi-tape - flying (literally. I love airplanes) - outdoors - aqua - pretty much any sport - camping - reading - swimming - and unfortunately, shopping xD
I also happen to blog about all of the above.


If you have any questions you'd like to ask me, are interesting in doing a collab, or would just like to chat, I'd love to hear from you! You can reach me through the form below. If you would like to email me (in order to send attachments, etc.) please leave your email in your message. Can't wait to hear from you!

You can also find me on social media through the following links.
Your Name :

Your Email: (required)

Your Message: (required)


Grace <> Totally Graced
Olivia <> Summer Of 1999
Allison <> From Allison
Taiya <> Taiya Madison
Ella Marie <> February Fairy 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. 
In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.
~ Proverbs 3: 5-6


  1. Hi, Katie! I want to thank you so much for following and commenting on my blog! I finally just checked out yours today - it's AMAZING! I followed via my WordPress reader!

    By the way, I love Texas, too! Isn't it awesome?! I was born in Texas and lived there until I was 11! It's my favorite place in the entire world. ♥ Some of my relatives live in San Antonio as well!

    Thanks so much again for following my blog! I love yours and can't wait to see what you post next (no pressure at all, of course!)


    1. Your so welcome, Madi! You have an amazing blog- I really admire here much you share your faith through it. I hope I can do that through my blog! ♥ Aw, thank you so much! That's super sweet of you to say and thanks for following it. :)

      Yes!! Texas is SO awesome! I've lived here since I was three! I wish I was born here so that I could say I was "Texas born and raised", but oh well. :P Oh, wow! That's so neat! I wonder if I've met them before. :D Probably not... What part of Texas did you live in?

      I've been exploring your blog quite a bit recently. I'm loving everything I discover! ;)


  2. okay so I just found your blog and I'm in love - basically i love and do all things DIY lol. totally following <33

    sarah margaret
    sarah » the introverted extrovert

    1. Seriously girl?! Thank you so much!! I love your blog! <3


  3. Hi there Katie! I just discovered your blog, and I'M SO EXCITED! You've certainly gained a follow from me! I absolutely Love volleyball, when I was on my school team the year, we were the championships of the whole districts. We're like the same person too, because I live for Jesus, crafting is something I do nonstop in my freetime, I read ravenously, write even more so, just love photography, and... the most important thing is that:
    CHOCOLATE IS MY LIFE! (after Jesus, of course)
    I gave it up for Lent, so sadly, I can't have any until Easter, but I'm literally counting down the days!
    I collect washi tape, I have 30 something rolls of the thing!
    Anyways, so glad we could get to know eachother!

    1. Aaaaaaw, thanks Samantha!!! Volleyball is AWESOME! Whoa- congrats!! Haha, we sound like twins. Chocolate is AMAZING. And so is washi tape!! Seriously two of my favorite things you just mentioned. ;) It's great to meet other girls who's LIFE is JESUS!!

      Thanks for commenting! Can't wait to learn more about you through your blog.


  4. *blushes* I'm on here!!
    You're way too sweet, Katie!! <3
    *whispers* my blog is called "Walking in the Sonshine" - as in The Son of God. ;)

    1. Oh, thanks for letting me know! I'll be sure to change it. :) I love that name by the way!


  5. I went to Mass on Sunday, and heard that EXACT song! Now I have it stuck in my head-oh well! It's a really good hymn


    1. It's such a great song! -One of my favorites!


  6. Hi there!
    I just discovered your blog via a comment you made on Julia(the barefoot gal)'s latest post. Its nice to meet you! I am a Christian, homeschooled girl. I prefer autumn and spring to summer; personally. Idaho's summers are always EXTREMELY hot. >.<
    What kind of music do you like?
    ~Kendra Lynne (its private but once you go to the link you can request an invitation to read it)

    1. Hi Kendra!

      Thanks your stopping by! It's always fun to meet fellow christian, homeschooled, girls! Spring and Autumn are super pretty! Oooh! I'd love to visit Idaho sometime! It seems super cool!
      I love CCM, country, and some pop. :)


    2. I like Christian hip-hop music best. :)

  7. Your blog is adorable! I just found it and will definitely be following. I feel like often times Blogspot blogs aren't as aesthetic, but yours is so cute! I actually know a girl names Katie, who everyone calls KitKat.

    ~ Ella Marie | February Fairy

  8. Aww, so sweet of you to say, Ella! Thank you!! ♥ Really? That's funny! I've never heard of Kitkat as a nickname for anybody else! xD

    Thanks for the sweet comment.



♥ Comments make my day! ♥

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